
La Cadière accessible

Personalized welcome at the Tourism House!

With the appropriate means and a quality welcome, a tourist advisor is trained and sensitized to receive all people with disabilities.


Accessibility for each disability

For Motor disability: The structure is located at the entrance of a public car park with several disabled places. And it is possible to park in front of this one.The reception area is on an equal footing, the entrance door is not swinging, with a width of 35,43 inch. There is also an appropriate reception desk.

For Hearing disability: The reception is equipped with a counter with a speech amplifier and a magnetic loop system, as well as an Mp3 player for guided tours.

For Visual disability: We have a braille tourism brochure and documentations about La Cadière in an enlarged font. Restaurants, bed and breakfast, wineries, accessible services, it’s all in here.

For Mental disability: All documentations is classified by themes with small posters indicating various topics in bulk and in capital letters embellished with pictograms.

Inventory of the accessible offer in this guidebook below.

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